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High Performing Teams (with the luxury of training wheels)

TR Group OPC team building

At TR Group, we work hard to create the opportunities to learn and grow wherever possible, whether that is becoming a more deliberate leader at work, a bigger contributor within a team, or simply personal growth. One way we like to explore learning is self-development on a course we have coined “OPC” which is named after the Outdoor Pursuits Centre where it takes place (creative, we know!).

When was the last time you took 5 days out of your busy life, to learn a little bit about yourself? To water the parts of you that need some growth?

Twice a year, a group of the TR team get down to Tongariro - the heart of the North Island, to learn what it takes to be a part of High Performing teams within a safe practice field, where there are no interruptions and no limit to how much you can achieve.

We understand that high performing teams don’t just happen. There is work behind the scenes to make sure that every “cog in the wheel” knows how to leverage their strengths, and to be given the opportunity to work on those areas that they have identified as requiring development. A team that works well together know that encouragement, determination, leadership and unity are important ingredients to celebrate the successes and also get through the rough patches.

The Hilary Outdoor Pursuits Centre offers the perfect environment for our team to shake off the cobwebs and get deep into learning about themselves (with a few nets and harness’ to keep them safe!). In just 5 days our team are tested individually and as a team. They surprise themselves by finding the inner strength to accomplish what they never dreamt they had the ability to do. The team experience new and exciting things such as caving, problem solving, tackling the high-rope courses, building rafts, camping out under the stars, building ice caves and learning how to work together to achieve the (perceived) impossible.

Our team come away from the experience with a new understanding of what part they play when a team is working well together, and equally as important – what role they play when the team isn’t operating at its optimum. They are given the opportunity to reflect and to work out “where to from here” taking the learnings from the outdoors, to the indoors and what that means for them personally for the next 18 months through workshops and coaching.

We find OPC invaluable when it comes to growth and self-reflection, time well spent with a team we are proud to give back to, as they give so much to TR Group.

TR Group team building outing

TR Group team building outing - on the bridge

TR Group team bonding trip - abseiling

Morgan Crump

About the author

Morgan Crump

Morgan has been with TR Group since 2017 working as the other half of our People Care and Development team. With people being her top passion, she helps everyone in TR Group grow to their full potential.

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