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TR Group takes its responsibilities seriously in regards to running a business that makes a positive difference to people’s lives be they employees, their families or our customers. 

A few examples of our involvement

TR Group has several initiatives it is involved in from a community support perspective.


We’ve worked with Youth T.E.A.M. Trust (YTT) for a long time, since 2002 in fact, because YTT actively supports young people who are struggling.

Youth Team logoWe’ve recently increased our direct financial help to YTT, and will now be providing them with an annual donation that’s significantly higher than before. In addition, we’ve set a goal of helping YTT to achieve more from their own fund raising efforts. The target is to find donations from other organisations that will match our own amount, dollar for dollar, every year, effectively doubling the amount of money that’s available to help people who need it.

So what does YTT actually do? In short, they empower young people to not only overcome their own challenges, but also help others dealing with similar issues. YTT helps people to regain control of their lives – these are often lives that are not happy or have been thrown into turmoil.

YTT runs weekend workshops that allow young Kiwis to gather together to find support, friendship and understanding in an atmosphere of love and trust. Over the years working with YTT, we’ve come to understand just how much some of the camp participants have had to deal with, but we’ve also been privileged to hear some incredible stories as many of them have risen above their hardship and troubles.

We know how effective YTT’s work is. They make a very real difference to many people and their families, helping them to be safer, healthier and happier. This is a superb fit with our own values, and we’re extremely grateful to be involved with this excellent community organisation.

Youth T.E.A.M

Youth T.E.A.M

TR Group has always believed in giving back to the community, and in that spirit, we’ve decided to support a group that’s very important to us – Kiwi heavy vehicle operators. So we’re proud to announce that we’ve taken on a three-year sponsorship of the Road Transport Forum (RTF) New Zealand Truck Driver Championship.

Andrew Carpenter, TR Group Managing Director says, “TR Group have been working with Kiwi businesses and their drivers for over 20 years and we know what’s needed to make operating heavy vehicles a success. This sponsorship emphasizes TR Group’s ongoing support for the industry and our desire to support safe driving.

Furthermore it shows TR Group’s continued commitment to lessen environmental impact and to improve vehicle safety throughout the country. We look forward to being part of the New Zealand Truck Driver Championship and we’re keen to ensure it remains a sustainable ongoing annual event. This sponsorship is a proud moment for TR Group”.

The championship is all about the drivers. As RTF CEO Ken Shirley says, “This is an exciting new initiative which is geared at recognising and rewarding the professionalism of commercial road freight drivers and enhancing their standing and that of the road freight industry itself”.

The sponsorship will see TR Group contributing $35,000, including a $5,000 prize to the overall winner that will be matched dollar for dollar by the RTF. As well as the financial support, TR Group will be providing all the required vehicles for both the regional and national events.

NZ Truck Driving Championship


The New Zealand Fire Service (NZFS) is one of the best-known community organisations in New Zealand, and their work impacts a huge number of people.

NZ Fire Service logoThere are 450 stations and approximately 8,300 volunteer fire-fighters and 1,699 career fire-fighters spread throughout the country. In the past year alone, NZFS teams responded to around 63,000 incidents, which is over 170 per day.

But the NZFS isn’t only about putting out fires and responding to emergencies, they also play a major role in helping communities prevent unwanted fires through education programmes, working with building owners, and other community focused work.

Day and night, and all year round, the NZFS is always there when Kiwis need them. Their work makes for a safer New Zealand. As an organisation, their professionalism and dedication stands out and aligns closely with our own values and company culture, which is why we’re happy to support them all the way.

Fire truck

NZ Fire Service

The Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust is another organisation that makes an enormous difference to the lives of Kiwis in need.

Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust logoWhen speed is absolutely critical, and can literally mean the difference between life and death, the familiar red and yellow helicopters and their utterly professional crews can be counted on, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Auckland Rescue Helicopter services have been operating for over 40 years, dating back to the establishment of the Rescue Helicopter Service in 1970. In 1990, a Charitable Trust was formed to provide and develop a highly efficient aero medical service for the benefit of the greater Auckland community. Over the years, they’ve certainly lived up to that vision, and the helcopters fly approximately 1,000 rescue missions per year.

We believe that Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust is an organisation that shares our values all the way. Supporting the Trust’s amazing work is one of the ways that we can give back to our community.

Auckland Rescue helicopter

Auckland Rescue Helicopter

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