The Benefits of Leasing from TR Group

The Right Vehicle for the Job
TR will source, price, specify, and build the right vehicles based on our experience and understanding of what the vehicle needs to do. This means vehicles with the latest technology are put on the road with the optimum specifications to get the job done efficiently and safely.

Maximising Uptime
We are focused on maximising uptime of our vehicles with robust preventative maintenance plans and by holding a stock of ‘swing componentry’ for parts that are quicker to replace than rebuild.

Downtime Guarantee
If your vehicle is new (less than 12 months old with less than 200,000 kms travelled), we will credit you or provide a replacement for any time it is off the road unexpectedly. Once your vehicle is over 12 months old, we will credit you for any time it is off the road after 96 hours for any unscheduled maintenance.

Free Driver Training
Available with every new vehicle leased from TR Group. This means your drivers will be trained how to operate your vehicles as safely, efficiently, and compliantly as possible.

Rental "Fill In"
While you are waiting for your new lease vehicle to be built we can provide you with a rental vehicle at your lease rate.

End of the lease
You have a number of options:
- The vehicle can be returned to TR Group with no further obligation,
- you can extend the vehicle for a further term,
- or you can replace your vehicle with a new one from TR Group.
“They gave us the opportunity to investigate the possibility of leasing, freeing up capital, freeing up management time, so we can focus on what we’re good at and leaving TR to look after their specialist operation.”
Bjorn Revfeim – Managing Director – Civic Contractors
Fully Maintained Operating Lease
Operating leases with TR Group are simple and easy because we are, first and foremost, truck people. We’ll take care of everything your leased vehicles need while allowing credit lines to be maintained, and capital to be preserved or invested in more productive assets to fund growth. A fully maintained operating lease offers an attractive alternative to ownership.
By partnering with TR Group, you can take advantage of our experience, skills, and strong supplier relationships. Along with our buying power and expertise, TR Group can provide a competitive alternative to ownership.

My TR, your online portal to your fleet.
Freeing you up to take care of your business.
TR Group is all about making heavy vehicle fleet management easy for you, and when we say “easy” we really mean it.
My TR is an easy and simple online portal providing access to your TR Group account, which allows you to view all the data of every vehicle in your fleet.
This includes your:
- account information
- upcoming and overdue servicing and certification
- mileage summaries
- contract information
- registration and certification status
- and much more.
You can get a big picture view, or you can drill down to the details of a specific vehicle depending on what you need to know quickly and easily.

Track Your Vehicle's Data
You can easily view the hire rate and the mileage rate for your vehicle.

Track Your Vehicle’s Invoices
In just two clicks, you’ll be able to find the invoices for a specific vehicle in your fleet.

Track Your Service Expiries
Upcoming and expired services and certification can be monitored with just a click of a button. In addition, My TR holds a complete service history for all your vehicles.

Risk is reduced
The following business risks all pass to TR Group:
- Residual value risk
- Asset maintenance risk
- Interest rate risk
- Inflationary risk

Improved Cash Flow
Your lease is billed in arrears with Road User Charges (RUC) and tyres (optional) included.

The distance you actually travel is adjusted for by the structure of the lease and downtime is automatically compensated for.
The TR Group Lease Sales Team